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  • Writer's pictureGODVERSITY

Why Should You Become Familiar With God’s Word?

VERSE: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." - Joshua 1:8


1. To understand our Creator?

2. To understand the right and the wrong?

3. To seek our purpose?

4. Your own ….?

CONTEXT: Here is the history of Israel's passing into the land of Canaan, conquering and dividing it, under the command of Joshua, and their history until his death. The power and truth of God in fulfilling his promises to Israel, and in executing his justly threatened vengeance on the Canaanites, are wonderfully displayed. This should teach us to regard the tremendous curses denounced in the word of God against impenitent sinners, and to seek refuge in Christ Jesus. 

In this first book of Joshua we observe:

1. The Lord appoints Joshua to succeed Moses.

2. God promises to assist Joshua.

3. There is preparation to pass over Jordan.

4. The people promise to obey Joshua. 

In verses 5-9, Joshua is set to make the law of God his rule. He is called to meditate day and night, that he might understand it.

Just like Joshua, we too are called to meditate on God’s Word. It is a continual prayer conversation with GOD - in every thought, action and deed. Whatever affairs of this world we have to mind, we cannot neglect thIs one thing - being mindful of God’s law. All our actions towards others, and our judgments, must be according to His law. Joshua, himself was under this command; no man's dignity or dominion could set him above the law of God. Just like Joshua was called to encourage himself with the promise and presence of God, so are we called upon to hold on to His Promise and Purpose. Let not the sense of your own infirmities dishearten you; God is all-sufficient.

Thank God for He has chosen us and as such we are commanded, called, and commissioned us to follow His Will, and in return He promises to rescue us from eternal death. When we are in the way of duty, we have reason to be strong and bold, for our Lord Jesus was born to show us the true will of God, and through his life showed us his obedience to his Father’s command and through his sufferings on the cross and resurrection, has established God’s promise of eternal life and our salvation.

PLEASE PRAY WITH ME – Holy Father, give me the desire to know you and your Will. Help me to follow your Word in my thoughts, words and actions. Help me in anchor my heart, mind and soul to you so no sin may become a temptation for me. Guide me, ‘O Lord, and direct me in the way that is pleasing to you. In thy Holy name, Yeshua. AMEN.



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