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When The Righteous Are In Authority


EXPLANATION: When the righteous are in authority, or, "are increased" {g}; either in number or in riches, or in power and dominion; are set in high places, and have the exercise of civil government and the execution of the laws in their hands; for the protection of good men in their civil and religious privileges, and for the punishment of evil men; for the encouraging of all that is good, and for the discouraging of everything that is bad; the people rejoice; the whole body of the people, because of the public good; a state is happy under such an administration; everyone feels and enjoys the advantage of it; see ( 1 Kings 4:20 ) ; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn; or "groan" F8, or "will groan", under their tyranny and oppression, and because of the sad state of things; the number of good men is lessened, being cut off, or obliged to flee; wicked men and wickedness are encouraged and promoted; heavy taxes are laid upon them, and exorbitant demands made and cruelty, injustice, and arbitrary power exercised; and no man's person and property safe.

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It is time to mourn in all nations, for wicked men are ruling and turning God’s wisdom upside down. How can God’s saints rejoice, when they see equity, righteousness, truth, and wisdom compromised and corrupted on a daily basis? King Solomon, writing to his son as a future king of Israel, made this observation and rule about political policy: the good people of any nation are seriously affected by the morality of their rulers.

The proverb does not apply to all men: the wicked love wicked rulers, for they promote and protect their sins. Many nations have loved and do love atheistic and profane rulers. The people of this proverb are God’s saints, especially those of Israel. Solomon taught his son godly motivation by looking out for noble citizens and honoring them.

Many nations have never had a righteous ruler, so they never had this reason to rejoice. However, even in nations that did not know better, even where there were few believers living, a considerate king that protected and provided for his people was a joyful thing. Violent tyrants, such as Herod the Great, who slew the children under two around Bethlehem, caused great mourning among even calloused citizens (Matt 2:16-18).

The political observation is true. When King Ahasuerus promoted Haman in Persia, the capital city of Shushan was perplexed at the rise of that wicked man (Es 3:15). But when righteous Mordecai replaced him, it rejoiced and was glad (Es 8:15). Israel rejoiced when Solomon took the throne, but they rebelled when his son Rehoboam succeeded him.

America in the 21st century appears to be a Christian nation under righteous rulers. But true Christians mourn, because the wicked come into power and rule without integrity. These people protect infanticide, child abuse, pornography, lay heavy taxes on their people, promote sodomy, have corrupt practices, practice adultery, treacherous divorces, national indebtedness, and lascivious entertainment in media. Saying or singing, “God Bless America,” does not prove anything but ignorance and hypocrisy.

David cried rivers of waters, when he saw men turning from God’s law (Ps 119:136). But a day is coming in which the Son of David will put down all authority and reign supreme in righteousness under God (II Sam 23:1-7; Ps 45:1-7; Is 9:6-7; Jer 23:5-6). Have you believed the gospel to be one of the few that will admire Him in that day (II Thess 1:10)?

What are the lessons? There is no cause for political joy in nations today (Ps 9:17; 33:12; 144:15). Let all in authority be righteous, even fathers, for the example and joy of their subjects (Col 3:21; I Tim 4:12,16). Let all saints give thanks and pray for their nation and rulers, for peace is possible, even in the midst of Babylon (Jer 29:4-7; I Tim 2:1-2).

Let us pray for our leaders and authorities that they may walk in His righteousness, including ourselves so that with care and discerning wisdom we execute our power to vote for righteous leadership. Let us not fall pray to their deceitful but sweet tongues but let us see be watchful over their actions.



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