How do you get a mule to move? One way is to use a apple or a stick: the apple represents the pleasure principle, while the stick represents the pain principle.
Scientists use these principles in behavior changing experiments, such as giving a treat or an electric shock to a rat in a maze to make them choose a path.
The enemy also uses behavior modification methods in order to influence your life. He tries to get you to associate the things of God--His people, His house, His will for your life, His ministry, His ways – with pain, with the stick.
On the other hand, he’ll try to get you to associate evil and sin— lust, gossip, an addiction, materialism, wrong relationships, or the world – with pleasure, with the apple.
How do you overcome the enemy’s temptations?
One sure way is to delight yourself in the Lord. Renew your mind and heart in the truth of God’s Word. Stop living to seek temporary pleasure or to avoid pain – rather seek the will of God, and persist to do what is right, no matter how hard, and your life won’t be stuck between the apple and the stick.
Today, let us focus on the joy of God and the blessings of living in His righteousness.