Denialism is the employment of rhetorical tactics to give the appearance of argument or legitimate debate, when in actuality there is none. These false arguments are used when one has few or no facts to support one’s viewpoint against a scientific consensus or against overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
They are effective in distracting from actual useful debate using emotionally appealing, but ultimately empty and illogical assertions.
Denialism is the avoidance of uncomfortable truth, plus the attempt to spread beliefs such that others do not accept the truth.
Denialism can be found when a person blindly believes that something is not true. These are the characteristics of a denailist:
They realize that something may be true, but avoids uncomfortable thoughts about this.
Knows that something is true, but denies this truth in conversation with other people.
Denailism can take many forms, including:
Avoidance of information that might prove the truth.
Avoidance talking about the subject with others, for example by steering the conversation away from this.
'Cherry picking', or selectively seeking evidence that can be used to sow doubt and dismiss any other evidence of the truth.
Claiming contrary knowledge or experience.
Claiming that the truth is a result of a conspiracy theory.
Quoting 'experts' who have denied or doubted the truth.
Using other coping mechanisms to avoid having to face the truth.
Actively campaigning against the truth.
Attacking the person or organization promoting the truth.
Using other fallacies in arguments against the truth.
Using wide-scale propaganda against the truth.
Removing funding from bodies that seek the truth.
Seeking to punish those who promote the truth, including through legislation.
Common areas that are subject to denialism include climate change, war crimes, AIDS, holocaust, and religious beliefs.
A country's ruling body realizes that addressing climate change will be expensive and could impact the economy and business. Politicians hence use a propaganda campaign and remove funding from climate change research.
Peter's denial
Standing on the ancient stones near Caiaphas' house, I imagined Jesus and his disciples leaving the Upper Room. Traveling by foot, these faithful men followed their teacher as they headed east of the city walls to the Garden of Gethsemane. They would have passed near Caiaphas’ house, where Jesus would be tried before the high priests and denied by his friend and follower, Simon Peter.
Passing the high priest’s house, Jesus must have thought of Peter’s soon betrayal. What pain it would be, to know that level of personal rejection, as you face a gruesome death.
Peter’s Denial Predicted
As recorded in Luke’s gospel, Jesus spoke with Simon Peter before leaving the Upper Room, warning him of the coming test.
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31-32, NLT).
To divide and conquer, that was Satan’s plan. And he got half of it done. He turned two disciples on Jesus. Thanks be to God, that the conquering was all Jesus!
Each of us would probably have responded to Jesus' warning the same way Peter did.
Peter said, “Lord, I am ready to go to prison with you, and even to die with you.” (v. 33).
Our faith in God is unwavering, until it is tested. This was to be the ultimate test for Peter, and Jesus knew that his friend would fail.
All Sins are Forgiven
The very purpose of Christ’s death is for the forgiveness of sin. The black mark against sinners required a perfect sacrifice – Jesus. Our redemption is that we are forgiven because of his suffering on the Cross and resurrection from the dead on the third day.
Even though, Peter failed his test by denying Jesus, God in His mercy forgave Peter and resurrected his faith. He fulfilled Jesus' request - that he repent and strengthen his brothers as written in Luke 22. Not only is Peter forgiven of his denial of Christ, he is the one to enter the empty tomb where Jesus was laid and the one whom God uses to preach to the crowd on the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit visited with Christ’s followers (Acts 2).
Peter’s faith sank low when he denied Christ, but it stood strong as he became a loud voice in sharing the Good News – even until his death.
So what?
When you have a truth that is being denied, seek to present evidence in forms and in situations where those you would persuade cannot deny it.
When you are faced with denialism about a big and important topic, get organized and expect a long and difficult battle.
Friends, we encourage you to ask or seek the truth about Christ and His way of life, we are here to help answer any questions you may have. Our main purpose is to share the Gospel in the purest form, we have no biased agenda or purpose to exist otherwise. Join us in the commentary here or on FaceBook by clicking here.