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What Does It Mean To Share Our Faith?


Every believer in Christ knows that sharing the gospel is part of being a Christian and a way of life. When we go to church or watch sermons on our TVs we find inspiration and encouragement or a much needed lesson for what we were going through at that time. But, every time we hear God’s Word, we find peace and calm. But do we share this peace and calm with others? Do we let them know how much God loves them? Sadly, the answer is, no.

So, what is really holding you back from sharing the gospel? Let us examine the most common reasons. You may have a new one, we’d love to hear. Please share it with us via comments or email us at

Here are the TOP 5 reasons and we will address each one of them in our 5 post series. Stay tuned and please do not forget to share.

1. You have to be good at it.

2. I am a shy public speaker.

3. I feel like a hypocrite when I preach as I am not perfect, myself.

4. I don’t want to be the one to ‘’beat people on the head with the Bible’’ person.

5. I rather let them ask me about the Bible.

“You have to be good at it”

Have you ever compared yourself to another believer, wishing you had their talents or personality? One of the most common lies we face as God’s witnesses is: I’m just not good at this. Thankfully, God’s perspective releases us from this weight, giving us freedom to be witnesses inside the framework in which we were created. The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:27:

“but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.”

You might not think you have a charismatic enough personality to be a witness, but God can use you whether you’re the shyest introvert or the most outspoken extrovert. In fact, the very aspect of your personality that you consider a weakness, God wants to use.

Just think about Jesus choosing Peter. Reading through the gospels, I often think, Jesus, forget about that Peter guy. He’s headstrong, over-zealous, rash, and plain awkward. Then I get to Acts, and I read about Peter standing up before the crowds at Pentecost and leading 3,000 to Christ in one day. Peter is a perfect example of God using the foolish things to shame the wise.

Another reason I know God can use you is because He can use me. I’m not the naturally social type. I’ve murmured God bless you to a homeless person, quickly walked away, and then felt like I just managed to one-up Billy Graham. When it comes to interacting with people I’m not close to, I’m unqualified. So, why would God choose me? For the same reason He chose Peter. For the same reason He chooses you. 1 Corinthians 1:29 goes on to say:

“so that no man may boast before God.”

God chooses to use the unqualified because He wants to show off His strength—to prove that He is the one at work.

You may get nervous. You may fail at times—I have. That’s okay. Where your ability falls short, God will come through. We must trust that He will work through us when we step out in faith, and the results are thankfully not up to us. They are up to Him. Be free from the lie that says you’re not good at sharing the gospel. God can use even your weaknesses to His advantage.

Please take time to ACTUALLY read these verses.

  1. READ 1 Corinthians 1:18-31

  2. READ Isaiah 43:10-13

  3. READ 2 Corinthians 7-10


1. I want to start sharing my faith on social media.

2. I have a friend/family who I want to share faith with.

3. I want to invite a neighbor to my church.

CONTINUED ON DAY 2. Stay tuned.



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