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The Ultimate Union


PRAYER: Almighty God, I do not know how to thank you enough. Thank you for your gift of grace. Thank you for your indwelling Spirit. Thank you for your promises of heaven. Thank you for your love that has saved and made me anew. Thank you for assuring me that I will never be alone no matter what I have to face. Most of all, LORD, thank you for knowing that nothing that can happen in this world has the power to strip me from the love of Jesus Christ. I look forward to forever with you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

You realize that the impossible separation is not our love for Christ but the love of Christ for us. All too often our love for Christ is separated from us because we do not stand convinced that God is working all things, both evil and good, for our eternal good. Because we often allow things to separate us from joy, hope, friends, almost everything that makes life desirable. These evils can remove even the soul but the soul and our eternal spirit can not touch.

When an ECLIPSE OCCURS, the sunlight is obscured and becomes dark. But though the darkness has cast its shadow upon the earth, it does not turn out the light of the sun.

All these external sorrows can affect the external life, can kill worldly joy, drown hope and bind us in solitude but can not touch the smallest way of love that Jesus has for us. And this love will flow more abundantly in our hearts in these dark times if we are faithful and trust Him (Rom 5: 5). ["... and hope does not embarrass; Because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us "( Romans 5: 5 ).

Make Christ your cause of joy and you will never be without joy.

Make Christ your reason for hope and hope will be with you. Make the words of Christ your constant companions and you will never have dark loneliness. The withdrawal of external blessings will not touch the central sanctities and the deep peace of a life in communion with Jesus.

Friends, there is a real danger that things will separate us from our love for Christ, but will never separate His love for us.

He tells us about the possibility that we would suffer for the sake of Christ in verse 36,

"As it is written, Because of Thee we are dead all the time; We are counted as sheep of slaughter."

"Because of You" means that these sufferings are infringed because we refuse to obey God.

Paul relies on the Old Testament Psalm 44:23 to make his idea. Psalm 44:23 was originally a plea to God for quick help in times of affliction and pain. There is nothing strange or insuperable about the present suffering because of God. Our Lord not only predicted our suffering (Matt. 5: 10-12), it has been the experience of the saints in every generation.

The phrase "We are dead all the time" is a type of continuous martyrdom that the saints suffer (1 Cor. 15:31).

  • The first tip was The Natural Enemies.

  • The second point is THE VICTORIOUS LIFE (8:37).

Verse 37 teaches us that our victory comes from the love of Christ shown by us on the Cross of Calvary. "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."

Neither the difficulties nor the disasters that we Christians experience in the world are not meant to separate us from Christ but bring us closer to Him. All these evil things are absolutely powerless to overcome those who are in Christ Jesus. All these evils can not prevent a follower in Christ from being a glorious winner. In spite of pain and sufferings, we can always be overcome

rs for Christ.

CONCLUSION: Instead of allowing natural or supernatural enemies to separate us from God for our misfortunes, we must draw closer to Him who is our strength, Faithful Friend, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace. Natural and supernatural enemies push us to hold Jesus more. If enemies try to weaken your relationship with Christ, know that there is one that holds us and it is the hand of Christ that assures us that we will never be separated from Him. We are protected by the arms of eternal love.

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Author: Tripp Hudgins is a musician and scholar based in Berkeley, CA. Read more.


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