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“As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down you cannot see something that is above you." - C.S Lewis

One thing that makes life interesting is that we don’t all live it the same way. We choose different careers, different homes, different hobbies, and different romantic and family arrangements. And unless people’s choices involve hurting themselves or others, it doesn't make sense for us to be bothered by the fact that other people take different paths than we do. And yet, disapproval abounds.

A stay-at-home parent might be familiar with comments implying that they don’t do “real” work, while a working parent or non-parent might have come across the suggestion that their work should be less of a priority than their parenting.

Whatever the choice, you can’t win. Even if they're well-intentioned, such comments can be hurtful and demeaning. So why are they so common? Cognitive dissonance theory provides one possible explanation. Lack of faith is another. When one lacks faith in GOD, they lose their sense of morality, which is essential to centering one’s being to the source of ultimate goodness, justice and equilibrium.

Many mental imbalances start with pride. Remember what separated Lucifer from God’s Kingdom?

It was pride.

According to research, pride triggers confusion and a mismatch in a subjective appraisal or projection of self-stature with an objective evaluation of actual-stature.

The mismatches are based on discrepancies in the following assessments:

  • Authentic stature—An actual, authentic, and objective appraisal of stature based on representative evidence.

  • Self-esteem—What you believe about your stature.

  • Image—What others believe about your stature.

We have many words that describe a variety of misalignment between authentic stature, your estimate of your own stature, and what others believe about your stature. These represent counterfeit forms of pride. Several words are defined here in terms of these stature appraisals.

Hubris: Unrealistically high self-esteem; self-esteem exceeds authentic stature. You appraise your stature to be unrealistically high and reject evidence-based comparisons to authentic stature. It is a failure to recognize your own defects. Synonyms include arrogance, conceit, egotism, narcissism, and vanity. It can be caused by your first-person viewpoint.

Bluster: Projecting your stature as higher than you believe it to be. Attempting to create an image that exceeds your self-esteem. Synonyms include false pride, immodesty, boasting, bragging, showing off, and know it all.

Stubborn Pride: You are unsure of your actual stature, so you hold fast to your position as an attempt to show strength. It can be manifest as a reluctance to apologize or take responsibility for your own actions. The likely cause is that your self-esteem is fragile or variable; you are insecure about your stature because you are not confident your authentic stature is high. Synonyms include smug,

Humiliation: An image change reflecting a decrease in what others believe about your stature. A public humiliation is the result of an insult and is generally painful enough to provoke anger. If you believe the insult is justified, then the humiliation may result in shame rather than anger. Synonyms include losing face, feeling foolish, hurt, and disgraced.

Humility: A quiet and sincere confidence that comes from a realistic appraisal of your stature that recognizes you are doing well, while recognizing your shortcomings. It is an incentive to continue to learn, improve, and do more. Self esteem is aligned with authentic stature and is judged to be satisfactory and with room for improvement within a humble person. Humility reduces our need for self-justification and allows us to admit to and learn from our mistakes.

False Modesty: An insincere attempt to project an image of stature lower than your self esteem or authentic stature.

Contempt: Feeling superior to others. Our self-esteem exceeds the image we hold of another.

Harmful mental states related to pride can be extinguished by appreciating the achievements of others, becoming aware of our own shortcomings, and working to increase our genuine stature. Above all, understanding our purpose and knowing GOD brings a sense of healthy perspectives in our lives — for by knowing HIM, you truly understand that He is the source of all goodness, kindness and love. He is complete, omnipresent and omnipotent. He is the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end.

PLEASE PRAY WITH ME: Glory be to you, my Loving Abba. You are my Lord, the omniscient ONE. You are the source of all creations and we are your children. Lord, you have made us in your image, giving meaningful purpose to each one of us. Father, please forgive me for times when I put myself above others and look down upon them with contempt. O' Graceful One, you have called us to love each other as we love ourselves, please help us open our hearts and minds towards all your children. Lord, your ways are higher than ours and we do not have your understanding nor your wisdom. I place my life in your able hands. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, my Lord. AMEN.



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