The Lord delights in the man or woman that has a teachable spirit – the one that admits to their lack and yearns for the truth of God’s word. Godly wisdom flows to the man that is humble in heart, meek in spirit and gentle in demeanour, for true wisdom from above is born of a childlike attitude and received by the one that submits to the Lord’s will - desirous to learn His works and ways.
The godly posture of this psalmist is a lowly heart on bended knee before the throne of God’s grace, where he humbly pleads, teach me your way, O Lord and guide me along the straight path of wisdom and truth and instruct me on the correct way of righteous holiness.
There are many today that lie in wait to trip and trap the man or woman that is placing their trust in the Lord.
There are many that would twist truth or lay a cruel snare to entrap or ridicule. But the one that seeks to ensnare will become entangled in his own evil ploys, for the one that has a firm foothold on Christ will not stumble but be lead along a straight path, away from any set traps and hidden snares.
The Lord delights in the one that has a teachable spirit and a humble heart that confesses their lack to Him. And He rejoices over the one that seeks first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, with meekness of heart and a gentle spirit, for that man or woman will be like a flourishing tree planted by the river of life, whom the Lord will lead along a good and level pathway.
PLEASE PRAY WITH ME: Father God, please teach ME Your ways, and guide me along the best path for my life, for without You my feet would slip - and I will give You all the praise and the glory in Jesus name, AMEN.