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Seized by Temptation?


"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." —1 Corinthians 10:13

TEMPTATION... We've all been there. Satan's silver bullet was designed specifically for us. "Go ahead! No one will ever know. And, it won't hurt anybody if they do," a mysterious voice, that sounds very much like our own, whispers in our being. Even if such voices may say something a bit different, a different temptation perhaps, the gist remains the same. It is almost always an invitation to sin and devious plan to hide behind it.

Even if there was no one to keep tabs on us or keeping us accountable, it would be really hurts us, personally -- because our being is caved by HIM and we know the right from the wrong. No matter how much we try to lie to ourselves, the truth always surfaces.

Here is something to remember - we are not alone in this temptation. HE who died for our sins is greater in us than the one who tries to break us — everyone has faced the uphill with temptation but only HE conquered it. So now, by God's grace and through the power of His Holy Spirit, we can too!

PLEASE PRAY WITH ME: Most Holy Father, guard my heart against temptation and my life from sin. I want to serve you with wholehearted devotion. Forgive me for my past sin, and by your grace and through your word, strengthen me with your Holy Spirit so that I may overcome the temptations that Satan uses to separate me from you. Through my Protector and Redeemer, I pray. AMEN.



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