Father of all and Provider and Protector of your people, please give me a sense of courageous awe at your power and a sense of reverential wonder at your faithfulness. There is no other being or power like you, for you alone are God. I praise you for your glory and grace. In Jesus' name I praise you. Amen.
David rejoiced to sing praises to the Lord His God, Who does great things for His servants and Whose glorious character and attributes are proclaimed abroad, throughout the extremity of the heavens by creation itself, and within the pages of sacred scripture. Both the performances and the promises of God are the subject of David’s high acclaim and great rejoicing in God’s eternal splendour, which is further revealed in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the final revelation of the greatness of God – Whom to know is life eternal.
David’s dear desire was to build a Temple for the Lord, but he was required to forgo the longings of his heart in favour of his son, whom God had decided would be the man to erect the House of God – for His greater glory.
God’s call on David’s life was to fight the enemies of His people, and to establish peace in the Promised Land. King David was permitted to make preparations for the foundation of the Temple.. but the building and beautifying of the House of the Lord, was to be be carried out by his son, Solomon.Both kings of Israel were human vessels, whom God would use to forward His eternal plans and purposes for the human race – but both men are also seen as a type of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the particular role that they were called upon to play. Both illustrate their own unique aspects of Christ’s role as Savior of the world and King of Israel. The lives of both these kings were used by God to illustrate different aspects of the role of the Lord Jesus Christ to Who.. like Solomon, will one day set up His eternal kingdom of peace and prosperity.. to the praise of God and for the benefit of humankind.
David was a man whose life illustrated much of the suffering service of Christ’s ministry, during his sojourn on earth. And though anointed King of Israel and awaiting His coronation, Christ, like David.. was rejected by His brethren, despised by his family and lived much of his life wandering from place to place with nowhere to lay his head. But David slew the mighty Goliath, which pictures Christ’s eternal triumphant victory over Satan, sin, death and hell. The conflicts, hostility and rejection that peppered David’s path exemplifies the conflicts Christ endured during His earthly walk, but just as David was finally enthroned by all of Israel so the nation that rejected their Messiah will welcome Him at His second coming to rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.
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