So many things in our lives can be taken away or stolen by thieves, natural disasters, etc., even simply by the process of aging and ultimately by death. Satan is called "The Thief of Always." But our God is immovable and steadfast! Investing our faith in Him and His ways, we can be reassured in His promises and know in our spirits that we are secure in His loving grace. He is a fortress and our refuge.
PLEASE PRAY WITH ME: O Great Rock of my salvation, thank you for being unchangeable and faithful. Thank you for being the ONE trustworthy source of security for my salvation. Though the future holds chaos and unwanted change, Lord, we know you are in charge of this whole Universe and are careful in balancing all things for your purpose and glory. Thank you for being my God. You are my Lord, and in you alone, I place my life, my hopes, and my future. May you be glorified in me today. In Jesus' name, I pray. AMEN.