Do you have family members you choose not to see or speak with? If so, you probably feel very sad about that, especially at a time of year when most families gather together. But, relationships can be difficult, when it comes to family they can be heartbreaking. Having an estranged family member, whether it be a sibling, child, parent or someone in your extended family, comes with stress and frustration. God wants us to look past these negative feelings and turn to him in our time of need. It does not matter whose fault the broken relationship is, what stage of grief you are in, or if you plan to reconnect with the family member. God wants us to be open and communicate our feelings and anxiety with him – God will listen! God has a plan in motion for the future relationship for you and your estranged loved one. Trusting in God will help you get through the difficult times, such as the holidays. Here are six prayers to help you get through the pain of having an estranged family member.
Prayer of Safety: Lord, I miss my family member dearly and I worry about their safety, happiness and health daily. I don’t know the simplest of things, like if their basic necessities are being met. Lord please watch over them! Please provide them with the tools they need to live and lead a successful, peaceful and joyful life. I want nothing more than for them to be safe, despite all of my grief and anger. My personal anguish shall not triumph what your Son taught us – to love all. I love my family member no matter what, and I pray for their safety during this time. Please continue to push me in the correct direction and put my own ideals and selfishness aside as I move forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer for Reconciliation: Heavenly Father, I do not know where to begin to start rebuilding a relationship with my estranged family member. I miss them dearly, but I know the damage of the past bears down on them and our relationship. I fear being able to reach out to them and fear rejection. I pray for guidance to say the right things and courage to take the high road. Father, I know you want our family to be together and to show each other love, support and positivity. I know I have failed you in the past. Today I begin to take the steps forward to fix this broken relationship and I only ask that you help wrap your loving arms around me during this time. Amen.
Prayer for Forgiveness: Our Holy Father, I have made mistakes in this relationship and I ask for forgiveness and repentance of my sins. I have disobeyed you and broken the trust you had in me. I have left a family member out of my life and have not shown them the love and kindness all of your children deserve. I know that they have made mistakes too, and I pray for continued forgiveness of their sins. I work hard to forgive them daily as you would want me to do. At the end of the day I shall always love them for being a part of the beautiful family You have provided me with. No matter the mistakes, negative feelings, and evil that comes into my heart I will forgive my family member and ask for forgiveness with you. Please continue to guide me during this time. Amen.
Prayer for Peace: Lord, I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that my family member will no longer be a part of my life and it is something I have to accept. While I do not wish to lose someone near and dear to me, I will work towards moving forward and providing those in my life with the love and blessings they still deserve. I will not show anger, fear or frustrations to others. I pray you help me remain positive and peaceful. During this difficult time when things all look bleak, I ask that you wrap your arms around me and support my broken heart. I love my family members and only wish the best for them. Guide me to the path they are supposed to take in life. Grant me the peace, strength and serenity to get through this time. Amen.
Prayer for Shrinking the Distance: Heavenly Father, The distance between me and my estranged family member is almost too much to bear anymore. I don’t want to live a life of grief and despair. I have realized my faults and want to shrink the distance between us, but I do not know how or where to begin. Please grant me the knowledge and skills to learn! I want to reach out to them and show them the love and care they deserve. The love and care that I should have already been granting towards them. I apologize for my failure and cause in this situation. Please bring them back closer to me – please let them see how I want to help slowly build a bridge back to a strong and positive relationship. Amen.
Prayer of Thanks: Lord Above, I thank you for my family member, even if they are not with me now. The time we had together holds many memories that I will keep in my heart forever. I know they have made this choice without me, but I forgive them and will wait patiently for their return if they choose to do so. During this time of waiting, I will appreciate what we had together and thank YOU for blessing me with their presence. Please bless me with peace and serenity during the times of darkness and sadness. Amen.
Losing a loved one due to an estrangement can be difficult for all those involved. Praying to the Lord for guidance, knowledge and strength will help you get through the most difficult of times. When feeling lost or confused, remember Proverbs 3:5 which states “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding”.