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How Much Longer, GOD?




In our society today, there is a theory about how badly desperate people are likely to behave. Many folks outside the community scoff at this theory. They believe that we have become more civilized than to utilize violent measures when hunger strikes.

But an incident in Morocco the other day showed us exactly how hungry people behave. And it isn’t pretty.

Food was being distributed in a rural market in Sidi Boulaalam, a poor village. Women had come to the market with baskets to get food for their families, when suddenly, what could only be described as a stampede erupted.

At least 15 women died and five were wounded in a stampede during a food distribution operation on Sunday morning in rural Morocco, government officials said.

The victims were crushed as hundreds of people, mostly women, gathered to collect baskets of food at the market…

…In the aftermath of the stampede, clothes and other personal items were left scattered across the ground. (source:

That number was later updated to 40 people who were injured in the crush.

The cost of the food distributed $16.

Desperation can lead us to do things we’d never imagine. When the pain is overwhelming, the pill doesn’t look so bad. When our debt is crippling, taking the deal or cutting a corner doesn’t seem like as big of a deal.

When desperate times have us considering desperate measures, we can find ourselves looking to God, and asking, “How much longer?” (Psalm 6:3-4). Paul knew these days were coming if they hadn’t already, and he tells the church in Galatia to be ready:

“Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path... Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself” (Galatians 6:1-3, NLT).

When it all gets to be too much, we need the gentle encouragement of a good friend. We need people who will help us keep going, who won’t look down on us for feeling tempted but will remind us who we are and the power we carry inside.

In Christ, we are eternal beings. So whatever happens here on Earth is not the end all be all. It’s a snapshot in a much longer story. The Holy Spirit is reminding us of that all the time. He’s the gentle voice that says, “Keep going, kid. This isn’t all there is.”

If we draw near to God in the hardest of times, we’ll see His Spirit strengthen and shape us in ways we can’t imagine. Paul promises that if we do not grow weary in doing good, we will reap a harvest of blessing (Galatians 6:9).

Sometimes that blessing comes in the form of a new job, an unexpected relationship, or a long-awaited answer to prayer. But other times, blessing is harder to point to. It’s the intimacy that comes after weeping to God, and the confidence that comes from Him show up in friends and church family.


  • Have you ever been so desperate for God’s help, you could relate to David’s words in Psalm 6? What did you learn about God during that season or situation?

  • What do you think of when you count your blessings? God cares for us in all kinds of ways.

  • If you tend to think first of material blessings take some time today to thank God for the spiritual blessings in your life.

  • If you tend to focus on the spiritual blessings, make a list of some of the ways He’s taken care of you physically or materially.

Are you weary today? Let someone help you carry your burden. Reach out to a group member or share a prayer request in the comment box below.



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