The act of recognizing Good Friday dates back to the 4th century. It is an early practice in which Christians would fast and place limitations (thus where we get Lent) on foods they ate or drank or activities they participated in.
The origins of the name itself have been debated, with some believing the word “good” should have been translated as “God.” Most linguistic and theological subject matter experts refute this. Some people don’t believe the day should be labeled “good” at all. For example, Germans call this day Karfreitag, or “Sorrowful Friday.” Sorrowful certainly seems to be a better choice as it is the day Jesus died.
However, as many Good Friday sermons remind us, this day is beyond “good”; it is truly a blessed Good Friday. A holy Friday. And the word “holy” is a much more agreed-upon origin for Good Friday’s existence.
The word “good” is thought to have derived from the word “holy.”
When you consider that other countries reference this day as “Passion Friday” or “Sacred Friday,” it makes perfect sense. The Wednesday before Easter, which we know as Holy Wednesday, used to be termed “Good Wednesday.” This would seem to support the words “good” and “holy” as somewhat interchangeable in a spiritual context.
The day Jesus died undoubtedly did not seem “good” to the disciples. Or to His mother, Mary. Or to Mary Magdalene, from whom He drove out demons.
Their friend, mentor, son, and redeemer was hanging on a cruel Roman cross. Thorns adorned His head, nails driven through both hands and feet. They had watched as the soldiers beat Him, spit in His face, and mocked Him.
For Christians, this day marks not an ending but a merciful beginning. Jesus became the sacrificial lamb, the bearer of all of the sins of the world. Past, present, future. All were dealt with on the cross.
Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. - Psalms 85:10
As Psalms so beautifully states, “righteousness and peace have kissed.” Because of Jesus, we are declared free. Spotless and blameless before an Almighty God. This is the significance of Good Friday.
Yes, Jesus died.
And although they didn’t know it yet, the disciples, Mary and Mary Magdalene, would soon witness the miracle. Jesus didn’t just die. He rose! The story of Jesus, our Savior, was unfolding.
Good Friday celebrations remind us of what is coming. Easter Sunday and an empty tomb. His wounds are our awakening. Peter said it best in 1 Peter 2:24 – “by His wounds we are healed.”
I, for one, am so thankful for the Good Friday message. Powerless and drowning in our sins, unable to change our circumstances, Jesus made way for us. He is still making way for any who will accept His sacrifice.