Whether personal, professional, financial, relational or spiritual individuals set goals for a variety of reasons. Some do it to push boundaries of their strength, while others can do it to establish their capability. Some may do it for sinful reasons. The primary reason one should aim to accomplish any goal is to honor and glorify GOD.
What is goal gauging? Goal gauging is an important trait that helps us discern the difference of self-centered gratification or God-centered deeds; the ones that honor and glorify Him through our actions. There is a clear and distinct difference between the two. All goals that we aim to achieve must without question biblically align to honor and glorify God.
Examples of God-centered goals include: exercising love, faith, honor, trust and utmost obedience to God. As you gauge your goals ask God for wisdom and insight to reveal if this goal will glorify him or gratify you.
PLEASE PRAY WITH ME: O’ Heavenly Father, I ask for and receive your forgiveness for each goal I have strived to achieve that did not glorify and honor you. I ask that you reveal to me the goals that you want me to pursue that align with your plan and purpose for my life. I ask for wisdom and strength to effectively gauge each goal as I seek to honor and glorify you. In Jesus' name, AMEN.