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  • Writer's pictureGODVERSITY

Afflictions of The Righteous

REFLECTION: As Christians we should always keep in mind that we could face persecution, mockery, beatings, isolation, and attacks for being advocates of the gospel. But we should also remember that these moments of affliction will never gain any comparison to the glory of what is to come on the day of the Resurrection, where we will receive new glorious bodies, free from infirmities and sin. It is because of this, we gladly go through all we go through, because we know that everything we face on this earth is temporary.

PRAYER: Dear God, I am aware of what may come my way because I choose to align myself with you. I do not consider it any loss, the suffering I may endure on this earth, as a result of my faith in you. Whatever my earthly body endures on this earth, as a result of being a Christian, I count it worth it when I think of the glory that is to come. In Jesus' name, I pray. AMEN.



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