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Where Do You Find Safety?

VERSE: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” – Proverbs 18:10


1. During a personal crisis?

2. During a difficult relationship?

3. During sickness or overcoming an addiction?

4. Your own ….?

The little book of Proverbs is overflowing with great truths, which if taken to heart by believers, and applied to their every-day Christian life, would turn the tables on the the wiles of the wicked one, whose evil desire is to render the witness of born-again believers as impotent.

God identified His name to Moses as: I AM that I AM, for He is everything that we need, in every area of life. One beautiful picture of the Lord can be seen as a Strong Tower, where the righteous runs to Him and are safe. What a precious promise for all God's children.

The Lord began to unveil His holy name and perfect attributes from the first verse of Genesis, where we discover Him to be the all-powerful Creator. To Adam He became his relational Lord and Abraham saw Him as the Almighty God, Who was His Master and Provider. To Moses, the friend of God He became our Banner and our Sanctifier, while Gideon finds Him to be our Perfect Peace - which passes all understanding.

David discovered the Lord was his Tender Shepherd, Who laid down His life for the sheep, and Ezekiel worshiped the Righteous God - Whose name is JESUS, and all of us who run to Him as their Creator and Redeemer, discover Him to be our Perfect Peace, our Gracious Shepherd and our Everlasting Righteousness - and to myriads of men and women the Lord has proved Himself to be the Righteousness of God, in Christ - for God made Him Who had no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God - in Christ.

When fallen man can look beyond his rebellious, prideful myopia and recognize that by God's eternal power the worlds were made, he can start to glimpse into the very character and heart of God, Who loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the enormous price for your sins and mine, and His name is Jesus.

Let us run to Jesus, our strong tower, knowing that in Him alone will be found our refuge and strength - our peace and our safety.

PLEASE PRAY WITH ME: Heavenly Father, thank You that that I am covered by the righteousness of Christ Jesus my Savior, Who is my secure tower of refuge, and in Whom is everything I need.. in every area of my life, and in Whose name I pray, AMEN


Source Daily Verse Knowing Jesus


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