Apr 27, 20203 min

Faith In The Darkness

This prayer came to me at a dark time in my life. The abuse crisis in the Church had hit my particular world, hard. My mother had died of ALS. My job was ending. I had begged God for a nearby job but didn’t get it, and would have to move 1,300 miles away for a different one instead. All of this with a newborn — our eighth child — and limited resources.

I was in the chapel taking account of what I believed about an all-powerful, all-loving God and why. I scratched the first version of this out on a folded piece of paper and have prayed it ever since. I have turned to it again in the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Prayer of Faith, Hope, and Love

Lord God, please give me the grace of the virtues of faith, hope, and love that you promised at baptism and that only you can give.

Act of Faith

My God, I believe in you, and all that your Church teaches, because you have said it, and your word is true.

Lord, I believe in you …

… Because the beauty of the world speaks of you.

… Because the goodness in the world comes from you.

… Because I can discern and know the truth.

… Because the laws of the universe are ordered.

… Because your creation is sustained in being.

… Because I am a mystery to myself that your words illuminate.

… Because you are the foundation of truth.

… Because you are too great for me to fully understand.

… Because trustworthy people have believed in you for centuries.

… Because of the witness of science.

… Because of the witness of the saints.

… Because of the witness of the Gospels.

… Because you have given me the gift of faith.

… Increase my faith.

Act of Hope

My God, I hope in you, for grace and for glory, because of your mercy, your promises and your power.

Lord, I hope in you …

… Because everything else decays.

… Because you always keep your promises.

… Because you are the King of the Universe.

… Because you created me for your purpose.

… Because I have seen your hand in my own life.

… Because your words direct me.

… Because your goodness is the ground I walk on.

… Because you are greater than anything that threatens me.

… Because in history, good has triumphed.

… Because you have sustained your Church despite the weakness of men.

… Because you have provided for me all my life.

… Because you are all powerful.

… Because without you, I would not exist.

… Because of the witness of the saints.

… That I may I be happy with you forever.

… Increase my hope.

Act of Love

O my God, because You are so good, I love You above all things and for your sake I love my neighbor as myself.

Lord, I love you …

… Because you loved me first.

… Because you are infinite goodness.

… Because you are inexhaustible beauty.

… Because you are unfathomable truth.

… Because you made love the fundamental law.

… Because I wouldn’t exist without love.

… Because you created me.

… Because you gave me every good thing.

… Because you gave me my faith.

… Because you have protected me.

… Because you have tested me.

… Because you have trusted me with your life in my soul.

… Because you have surrounded me with love.

… Because you died for me.

… Give me deeds of love and not just words.

… Increase my love.

PLEASE PRAY WITH ME: Lord God, give me the faith I need to know your will, the hope I need to accept your will, and the love I need to do your will, even when I don’t understand it, knowing that your way is better. I ask this through Christ Our Lord. AMEN.



Tom Hoopes is writer in residence at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas