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Daily Wisdom - Our Teacher, Our God


I had several amazing teachers in my life who encouraged me and mentored me. They made me want to follow in their foot steps and be the best teacher I could be. If you are a teacher, you know that it is not a career for the faint of heart. You are dedicated, hard-working and you strive to build a joy of learning into each and every one of your students. I salute all teachers! May you be encouraged by these scriptures today and everyday! PRAYER: I ask for help in making the right choices. Give me a discerning heart so that I will choose what I allow inside of me. I decide to live at your feet being taught by you. Help me to remember at all times that I am the student and you are the Master. There might be people I have influence over. Help me to be a good example to such people at all times in Jesus name. Let me be like you, my Father and my God in Jesus name. The disciple is not above his master – The Greek meaning of the word ‘disciple’ is pupil which is probably why most translations have ‘student’ rather than disciple and ‘teacher’ rather than ‘master’.

Many describe the world that we live in as a school and all human beings as students.

If there is an element of truth in this saying, you must choose, who is your teacher? Will you choose the error that is prevalent out there in the world or will you choose Jesus Christ?2 Corinthians 4: 4 makes clear the agenda of satan – It says - In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Satan wants to stop disciples from following the teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Do not be taken in by the antics of the deceiver. Accept that your Master Jesus has all you need inside of Him. He is truly the ageless One. He is the All in All, He knows everything and He has everything. Decide to sit at His feet. Let Him pour of Himself into you and in time you will be like Him. Importantly the Pastor you listen to must point you to Jesus, if not there is danger.but every one that is perfect shall be as his master – Perfect here means everyone that is teachable or repairable shall be like his master.

Such a person will be holy like the Master is holy. Such a person has undergone the process and is now dead to self.This verse is the end of a parable by Jesus Christ. This is His expectation for you and I. He promised when He was going back to heaven that He will leave the Holy Spirit who will teach us all things. Take the opportunity and let Him be glorified in your life.


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