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  • Writer's pictureGODVERSITY

Are You Chatty?

Read Proverbs 17:27

How much talking do you do on an average day, and how much listening? I mean REAL listening, where you focus on what the other person is saying and take it in, instead of planning the brilliant thing you'll say the moment the other person finishes speaking?

If you're like most of us, the answer is: Not enough. Most people tend to treat conversation like a competitive sport, in which the person who says the most, makes the cleverest point, persuades others of an opinion, or even speaks the longest and loudest is the winner. All of us fall into this trap. All of us find ourselves interrupting, speechifying, insisting, and coming up with witticisms--all to support our point of view or display our superior knowledge. 

If you stop and think about it, though, this approach is the opposite of the one we should take. In most conversations, the person who speaks least benefits most and the person who speaks most benefits least. 

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that you always keep your opinions to yourself. The people around you need to know what you're thinking, doubly so if you're in a leadership role. But if you spend more time listening than you do speaking, so that the people you're speaking to feel understood and bonded with you, when you do speak your mind, they'll be listening much more closely. 


Neuroscience research shows that the listening type individuals have greater cognitive ability. One who speaks less impulsively has the ability to grasp and process the information at hand. Thereby, they are in a suitable position to make better judgements than the one who is actively engaged in constant speaking.

Our Lord shares His Wisdom in the Bible In order to aid our everyday life; enriching it with His goodness.



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