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A Drug Dealer Turns Into An Evangelist

After just a few months at the Bible school, the police caught up with Mehfri and sent him to jail. He had little to do in jail but read the Bible that a pastor had brought him, and then he began to think about the lectures he’d heard in Bible school. “I read Romans 10, and at that time I confessed that Jesus is my Lord,” Mehfri said.

Less than three weeks later, his father paid his bail and Mehfri was set free.

Mehfri then decided to return to the Bible school, not to hide from police or sell drugs but to become an evangelist.

God used this formerly wayward young man to reach people in a Muslim stronghold in the Philippines and, later, at an Islamic school in Indonesia. His new life in Christ wasn’t free from problems, however. On one occasion he had to flee for his life after being ambushed in a cemetery, and another time he was attacked on his motorbike — all because he shared the gospel.

Mehfri accepts that persecution is part of his walk with Jesus. As Christ first endured persecution, so will his followers. “We are ready to face more persecution,” Mehfri said.

Fellow believers, never give up on an opportunity to share the gospel, His Words have the power to transform anyone’s life and use them in His ministry.


This article was produced by Voice of The Martyrs. Please support them in carrying out their mission.


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