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18 Ways To Live Easter Life Everyday

Family enjoying outdoors

Easter isn’t an event to recognize but a daily reality to live by. When Jesus suffered and died on the cross and rose from a borrowed tomb, He proclaimed the dawn of a new world for mankind — one no longer ruled by the curse of sin. By becoming sin for our sake, Jesus took away the punishment we deserved for our rebellion against God. In return, Jesus gave us His perfect righteousness and eternal life in relationship with the Father. Easter isn’t meant to be a once-a-year celebration, but a daily reminder that, through our faith in Jesus, we each have access to His resurrection power in every ordinary moment of our lives. When the challenges and troubles of this world bear down on us, Jesus is our example, our comfort, our hope and our peace. 18 Ways You Can Experience the Resurrection Life Right Here, Right Now 1. Give your best at all times because God gave us Jesus, His one and only Son, His very best, as a sacrifice for our sin (John 3:16). 2. Understand all your assignments are temporary and that the end of one assignment brings new life in another (John 12:24). 3. When you experience failure, remember that Jesus was a failure in the eyes of the world, but He was more concerned about being a success in the eyes of his Father (Hebrews 5:8-9). 4. Serve your co-workers instead of competing with them because Jesus did not win His victory through His power but through His sacrificial love (Ephesians 5:2). 5. Assume the best about your co-workers because Jesus was crucified and died for those who assumed the worst about Him (John 10:33). 6. When you are tempted to cut corners for short-term gain, remember that Jesus didn’t take a shortcut to win the ultimate prize of the salvation of mankind (Luke 22:42). 7. When it seems too painful to forgive, remember that Jesus suffered to the point of death to bring forgiveness to His enemies (Luke 23:34). 8. When your kids are going their own way, remember that Jesus had to lay down his own life before he could win the stubborn and rebellious (John 10:11). 9. Put the needs of the weak, needy, and vulnerable above your own, because Jesus left heaven for Earth and died so that the powerless could be lifted up to new life (Luke 4:18). 10. When you feel crushed by your responsibilities, remind yourself that nothing, not even death itself, could hold Jesus down, and His power lives in you (Acts 2:23-24). 11. Sacrifice for, cherish and nurture your spouse because Jesus suffered and died so His bride, the church, could be made beautiful in righteousness (Ephesians 5:25-27). 12. When your friends fail you, remember that Jesus experienced the pain of distrust and betrayal from his friends. Jesus died and rose again to restore our broken relationship with the Father so we could be ambassadors of reconciliation to all (2 Corinthians 5:20). 13. Don’t put money ahead of relationships, knowing the Savior of the World was betrayed and crucified for what only 30 pieces of silver could buy (1 Timothy 6:10). 14. Don’t live for pleasure in this world, because Jesus suffered knowing that the greater joy was leading His people into eternal life with the Father (Hebrews 12:2). 15. Stop judging yourself better than others because Jesus was put to death by those who thought themselves righteous (Romans 10:3). 16. When you experience the pain of illness and disease, remember that your Spirit and body are meant for glory, not in this world but another (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). 17. When you are fearful, remember Jesus sweat blood in fear of what was before Him, but He trusted His Father to carry Him through the darkness of suffering and crucifixion (Matthew 26:42). 18. When you are lacking hope, remember that Jesus believed His Father who promised the best was yet to come (Hebrews 2:9).


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